2nd Annual SEA-PHN Network Meeting

Sitting from left: Prof Dr Le Thi Hop (President of Vietnam Nutrition Association), Assoc Prof Dr. Umaporn Suthutvoravut (President of Nutrition Association of Thailand), Mr Irianis (Ministry of Health Indonesia, representing Mr Doddy Izwardy), Dr Tee E Siong (President of Nutrition Society of Malaysia), Prof Dr Hardinsyah Ridwan (President of Food and Nutrition Society of Indonesia), Dr Rodolfo F. Florentino (Chairman-President of Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines, Inc.), Ms. Rokiah Don (Ministry of Health Malaysia).

Standing from left: Dr Phan Thi Ninh (Ministry of Health Vietnam), Mrs Florentino, Prof Dr Mohd Ismail Noor (Vice-President of Nutrition Society of Malaysia), Ms Cyndy Au (Du Pont Nutrition & Health), Dr Jacques G. Bindels (Danone Asia Pacific Holdings Pte Ltd), Ms Anke Sentko (Beneo GmbH), Ms Yashna Harjani (Pepsico Asia Services Ltd), Ms Muhaini Hussin (SEA-PHN Network Secretariat).


June 6, 2015 (Saturday)


Crowne Plaza, Jakarta, Indonesia

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The 2nd Annual Meeting of SEA-PHN Network was held successfully at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia on June 6, 2015. The meeting was attended by all council members, representatives from associate members and several representatives from the Ministry of Health of respective member countries. The main meeting Agenda and discussions were:

  • Brief Updates by Council Members, Associate Members & Guests

    All council members, associate members and guests shared a brief update on activities from their respective associations/organisations during the past year.
  • Minutes of Inaugural Annual Meeting

    The meeting reviewed the previous Minutes from the Inaugural Meeting held on June 2nd, 2014 in Kuala Lumpur.
  • SEA-PHN Network 2014 Annual Report

    The meeting reviewed the annual report which documented the key activities and milestones that have been achieved by the Network since its establishment in June 2014.
  • SEA-PHN Network Website-Updates

    It was reported that the dedicated website for the Network was updated regularly and serves as a useful resource for members of the Network. Members and Associate Members were reminded to continuously provide reports of activities and relevant documents for uploading on the website.
  • Compilation of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDG)

    A draft manuscript of the FBDG compilation was presented and reviewed during the annual meeting. It was agreed that the manuscript be published as a supplement in the Malaysian Journal of Nutrition.
  • Collaborative Child Nutrition Project 2016

    - A proposal to carry out an intervention programme amongst primary school children was discussed and the meeting agreed in principle for a collaborative programme to be carried out in several member countries using a similar intervention protocol. The intervention programme should include nutrition promotion activities aimed at the school children, their parents and the community.

    - As a first step, the participants of the meeting agreed to carry out a situational analysis of the intervention programmes/studies that have been carried out in Southeast Asian countries.

  • 1st Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition Conference 2017

    The meeting agreed to organise the 1st Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition Conference in 2017, in conjunction with the 32nd Scientific Conference of NSM, under the auspice of the SEA-PHN Network.
  • Future Plans

    Several suggestions/proposal were made on new activities/programmes such as conducting compilation/documentation/translation of nutrition policies, action plans for the region and leadership training programmes for young nutritionist.