Top row from left: Assoc Prof Dr Nalinee Chongviriyapha (President of Nutrition Association of Thailand), Dr Tee E Siong (President of Nutrition Society of Malaysia), Prof Dr Le Thi Hop (President of Vietnam Nutrition Association), Mrs Maria Lourdes A. Vega (Executive Director, Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines, Inc.)
Second row from left: Assoc Prof Dr Mahenderan Appukutty (Vice-President of Nutrition Society of Malaysia), Dr Kit Phanvijhitsiri (PepsiCo Services Asia Co., Ltd), Dr Rodolfo F. Florentino (Former Chairman-President of Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines, Inc.), Mrs Florentino, Ms Cyndy Au (IFF)
Third row from left: Prof Dr Hardinsyah (President of Food and Nutrition Society of Indonesia); Ms Goh Peen Ern (BENEO-Institute), Ms Muhaini Hussin (SEA-PHN Network Secretariat), Ms Anke Sentko (BENEO-Institute)
Bottom row from left: Ms Voon Siok Hui (SEA-PHN Network Secretariat), Ms Presanna Arumugam (SEA-PHN Network Secretariat)